Turn your garden in the summer into a fairytale landscape with flowers that bloom all summer long. Our collection will show you 30 varieties of plants that feature bright colors and different textures.
Some of the plants are tall, others are groundcovers or grow in tufts or shrubs so you can easily find the best flower variety for a certain spot of your garden that will bloom all summer long.
1. Amaranthus

This ornamental annual plant blooms with spike-shaped flowers all summer long. Among the dense foliage of a group of Amaranths, the blooms resemble red-colored flames which gives the plant a dramatic look in the garden.
Love Lies Bleeding is another popular name for the Amaranth. It loves full sun and frequent watering.
2. Canna Lilies

The Canna Lily plant is a perennial that adds a tropical touch to the garden. It is tall with large leaves and blooms that resemble an iris. The color varieties of the blooms are red, orange or yellow.
This plant requires low maintenance. Provide them with full sun, rich and well-draining soil and frequent watering which will keep the soil moist.
3. Wheat Celosia

This summer annual is anything but an ordinary plant. Unique wheat-like blooms in vivid neon colors, sturdy and dense foliage is how the Wheat Celosia can be described.
Wheat Celosia thrives in full sun and well-draining soil. If you provide these conditions, you will be rewarded with blooms all summer long until the first frosts.
4. Lily of the Nile

This is a magnificent summer-blooming perennial. Its blooms look like bursting stars with their small blue flowers positioned on a tall stem.
Taking care of this perennial is more specific as it cannot survive harsh colds. It will thrive only in mild climates. In case you live in a cold area, plant the Lily of the Nile in pots to protect it from the freezing temperatures.
5. Garden Cosmos

The Garden Cosmos is an annual that blooms with large daisy-like flowers. The colors of this plant vary from white to orange and magenta.
They attract pollinators and are very easy to grow. You can plant a field or a border from Garden Cosmos from seeds at a place that receives full sunlight.
6. California Poppies

This drought-tolerant flower is native to California and can be found in white, orange and red colors. California poppies are unpretentious to growth conditions as long as there is full sun and sandy soil.
It looks best when planted in groups next to a lawn or other wildflowers.
7. Spider Flowers

The Spider plant is another annual plant that will beautify your garden with blooms all summer long. Its blooms are usually colored pink or white and add a wonderful tropic flair to the garden.
Provide the Spider plant with full sun and well-drained soil and it will bloom up to the first frosts.
8. Sulfur Cosmos

This annual plant also loves full sun. Ir rewards with orange delicate-textured petals on a tall but thin stem that bends a little under the weight of the flower.
It attracts bees and butterflies and is usually grown as an ornamental plant.
9. Gazania Hybrids

If the soil of the garden is poor, plant Gazania in it. This non-pretentious plant will thrive despite the lack of any nutrients. This is the reason people tend to plant it in rock gardens and borders.
To enjoy the daisy-like flowers of the Gazania, plant it in full sun. When night comes or if the day is cloudy, the flowers will close but when the sunshine appears they will reopen again.
10. Lantana

Lantana could be invasive under the perfect growth conditions which are frost-free climates. If you grow it in pots, you can control it.
It requires full sun, well-draining soil and frequent watering. The result of these conditions will be beautiful clusters of small flowers in yellow, white, purple, pink or blue.
11. Moss Rose

This annual succulent spreads like a dense carpet on the ground. It flowers all summer long with rose-like ruffled petals in purple, orange or yellow depending on the variety.
Similar to the rest of all summer-long blooming plants, the Moss Rose requires full sun. Being a succulent predetermines its resistance to drought.
12. Creeping Zinnia

This creeping plant is a ground cover with thin leaves and attractive yellow, white or orange flowers. It requires minimum maintenance which is the reason gardeners include it in the border landscape.
Plant the Creeping Zinnia in full sun and water every week to keep the plant vital.
13. Mexican Sunflowers

If the soil of your garden is rocky or sandy soil, plant it with Mexican Sunflowers. They are perfect as border plants or to fill a large empty space with pops of colors.
This annual requires full sun and good drainage. Mexican Sunflowers are drought-tolerant so you don’t have to worry about the frequency of watering at all.
14. Common Zinnias

Looking for an annual plant that will add different pops of colors? Zinnia is perfect for that with its resistant, tall and variable flowers. bloom from late spring through fall. Their vibrant colors make them suitable for borders and containers.
They grow easily in hot climates where they receive enough sun and have enough space to develop.
15. Coneflowers

Coneflowers are heat and drought-resistant and easy to care for. If you are looking for a perennial that blooms all summer long with bright flowers, the Coneflower should be your choice.
To thrive, the flower needs at least 6 hours of full sun and well-draining loamy soil.
16. Petunias

We are all well aware of how to take care of petunias but do you know how to prolong their blooming phase? Firstly, place them in a spot that receives at least 6 hours of full sun, keep the soil moist but not soggy.
Fertilize the petunias often with a water-dilutable fertilizer. Last but not least, trim back up to 1/3 of the volume of the plant which will stimulate new growth, branching and blooming.
17. Daylilies

This plant gets its name because the blooming of one flower lasts only one day. But don’t worry about that as Dailily will produce many flowers on one single stem.
The Dailily flower resembles a lily but is not as pretentious. It needs full sun and regular watering.
18. Astilbe

Unlike all flower varieties so far, the Astilbe grows in shady areas of the garden. This plant can break the boredom of the usual groundcovers such as hostas and ferns and add a pastel pink touch to the garden.
You can combine the varieties of this perennial to have a blooming garden from May to September.
19. Marigolds

Marigolds are a common part of every garden. They feature a flower with warm orange petals. Marigolds grow pretty quickly and if they are planted in full sun and watered regularly, you will see the first blooms after a couple of months after planting the seeds.
The key to non-stop flowering is removing of the dead heads regularly.
20. Blanket Flowers

The visual appeal of the Blanket Flower makes them irresistible for gardeners. Their adaptiveness and easy care put them in the first place of blooming flower varieties.
They can do well in almost every soil. They are drought-tolerant which makes them perfect for rock gardens.
21. Sunflowers

The Sunflower is probably the most symbolic summer flower. Its large daisy-like blooms resemble the color and the shape of the sun, hence the name of the plant. The Sunflowers are also heliotropic which means that the flowers turn toward the sun and follow its move.
Sunflowers love full shade and can adapt to any soil type. They are great as cut flowers and when included in the garden, they are sure to attract wildlife.
22. Catmint

The name of this plant comes from its aromatic foliage which attracts cats. All of its parts are edible for cats.
This cat-friendly perennial is easy to grow in borders and raised garden beds. It needs full sun and well-draining soil. Remember to deadhead the faded stems to encourage the production of new flowers.
23. Hydrangeas

The Hydrangea is a shrub that adds loads of texture and beauty to the garden. Gardeners love it for its striking flowers which can come as a large ball or cone and vary in colors.
Hydrangeas need moderate heat and shade. They will thrive in almost all soil types but bear in mind that the soil type could affect the color of the bloom. Make sure that they grow on moisturized ground.
24. Dahlias

Dahlia is another flower that is common to the gardens. The flowers of the Dahlias come in every flower color- orange, yellow, white and pink.
The flower shape can vary from small balls to large blooms. They are great as cut flowers and this could also encourage the production of new stems.
Regarding growing conditions, Dahlias require sunny but sheltered places, and fertile and well-drained soil. Water them frequently because they like moist conditions.
25. Black-Eyed Susans

This wildflower has become part of most gardens a long time ago. Its name comes from the black raised stamens in the center of a daisy-like yellow flower.
Flowers grow on stems with broad ovate green leaves. This plant can adapt to almost any condition. To maintain it, deadhead it often.
26. Daisies

Daisy is probably the most recognizable wildflower. Nowadays, it is a must-have in the house garden spreading loads of charm with its sunny yellow centers surrounded by white petals.
If you want to grow Daisies at a certain spot in your garden, choose an area that receives at least 6 hours of full sun where the soil is well-draining.
27. Irises

You can find Irises in every color of the rainbow. They also vary in size so you can have the perfect royal-related plant for your border, rock garden or pondside garden.
Irises self-multiply so it is worth buying a pack of bulbs in the desired flower color. The best place for the Iris is a sunny location and slightly acidic soil. One gardener tip – allow the leaves of the bulbous irises to die back naturally so that the bulb gathers energy for next year.
28. Lavender

Lavender is another well-known flower variety that blooms all summer long. Its fragrant flowers growing upright in the shape of spikes create a significant impact when grown in tufts.
The Lavender needs full sun and dry, well-drained soil. These put it in the group of low-maintenance perennials.
29. Peonies

Peonies are a breath-taking flower which is a must-have in the garden. Luckily, the blooming season of this gorgeous plant can be prolonged by planting early, mid-season, and late-blooming varieties.
Peonies like full sun with at least 6 hours of light. Nevertheless, the spot should be protected from strong winds. The best soil for peonies is humus-rich, moist but well-drained.
30. Coreopsis

Coreopsis is another low-maintenance flower that will reward your garden with bright flowers from late spring to the first frost.
It is drought-tolerant and needs ample sun for at least 6 hours.

Fill your garden with nonstop color all summer long with these continuous bloomers.
Zinnias and cosmos provide bright, daisy-like flowers, while canna lilies and lantana add exotic flair.
California poppies and moss rose thrive in the heat, and spider flowers bring unique texture. Perfect for creating a vibrant, low-maintenance summer landscape!