20 Tiny Flower Gardens Bursting with Big Beauty

Big, medium, or small gardens—size doesn’t determine the visual appeal and style. It may be difficult to decide what flower varieties to plant, but look at this challenge as an opportunity to get creative and reflect your character.

Don’t let a small yard stop you from having a breathtaking garden! These stunning small gardens prove that even the tiniest spaces can be full of life, color, and charm. From balcony planters to lush patio corners, these ideas will inspire you to create a garden that wows in any space!

If you need some inspiration to start your small garden project with, we are here to present to you 20 Small Flower Gardens That Pack a Punch: Tiny Spaces, Huge Impact!

1. Gravel And Mulch Garden Bed

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Even the tiniest garden needs care. An eye-appealing trick to mnimize the maintenance is to cover the soil with gravel or mulch or combine them both in an interesting pattern.

There is a wide variety of plants suitable for these soil covers so you can create a textured and colorful garden bed.

2. Farmhouse Garden In Pots

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The small garden space won’t be a challenge if you opt for flower pots instead of direct soil planting. In this cottage garden in containers, many different items have been repurposed into pots. Galvanized buckets, old terra cotta pots, baskets, tubs can be beatifully arranged to create a huge impact.

Another advantage potted gardening offers is stacking plants in height which minimizes the used space and enhances the interest.

3. Roses And Hydrangeas In A Raised Garden Bed

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Accentuate architectural parts of your home with small raised garden beds.

This landscape design is ideal for windows as the window is framed by two climbing rose bushes supported by trelises that are barely visible. The base of the bed is planted with beatiful and lush hydrangeas.

4. Repurpose A Birthbath Or A Fountain

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@Arrow. Land Structures

To create interest in a small garden, create a focal point. That can be a unique plant, a tall tree or a repurposed item as shown in this garden inspiration. A birdbath or a fountain are great for this idea as their function will be changed to an elegant raised garden bed.

Plant blooming flowers in it, and surround it with green shrubs and plants if there are garden beds next to it.

5. Upgrade A Side Yard

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@North Leeds Garden Design

This is an inspiring example of a small contemporary backyard with a tiny patio, suitable sitting furniture, well-maintained lawn and surrounding garden beds with blooming and evergreen plants.

Privacy is ensured by a wood partition that lets sunlight goes through the gaps between the lathes. The homeowners have decided to combine a blooming flower bed with boxwood shrubs and climbing vines.

6. Make The Most Of A Tiny Space

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The side of a front yard covered with concrete slabs has been turned into a tiny patio enclosed by various flower pots.

The containers are vintage to match the cottage flair of the outdoor ambiance. The atmosphere is so romantic, casual and relaxing.

7. Add A Walkway

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Whether you have a tiny backyard or a small side garden with a walkway, you can add interest to it by planting rows of plants along the walkway.

Scented plants are a good choice because of the lovely fragrance you will smell when crossing the walkway. You can alternate them with evergreen shrubs or green lush plants for enhanced interest.

8. Arrange Plants In Height

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Even the tiniest garden requires good planning when it comes to sunlight amount. Go for sun-loving plants where there isn’t any shade and for ground-covers for garden beds under trees.

Arrange the plants in rows depending on their height. That will create a landscaping symmetry and will make the garden visually pleasing.

9. Seasonal Flowers In Pots

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Hanging baskets and different sizes of flower pots can turn a small backyard into an attractive living corner. Stack the pots one over the other or use old furniture pieces as stands.

When the seasonal flowers fade, you can replace the pots with flowers suitable for the new season.

10. Use Vertical Supports

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Create visual interest and enlarge the number of flowers in your tiny garden by adding wooden posts to the large flower posts.

They can be turned into a vertical garden by a simple modification- adding hooks, brackets or even nails to them to hold baskets with flowers.

11. Courtyard Garden

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@Specialty Gardens

This garden is a colorful oasis among a green lawn. It features a lovely combination of annual and perennial flowers. The kind mix ensures a blooming galore throughout the warm part of the year.

Structure of the garden bed is also very important for the final visual result. Start with the shortest tufts at the outer line and plant higher varieties as you go to the center of the garden bed.

12. Spring Galore

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@Jean Brooks Landscapes

Anemones, Тulips, Convallaria majalis, Irises, Ferns, Grape Hyacinth create a spring galore along a flagstone walkway leading to the gate.

In this garden landscape, the small space is not structured in rows of identical flowers because the space doesn’t allow this. Instead, flowers of identical colors are planted in tufts.

13. Boxwood Topiaries

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@Fenton Roberts Garden Design

Create interest in your small front or backyard with shaped boxwood topiaries. Plant them in interesting and eye-appealing containers.

There are boxwood varieties that grow in a spiral or oval shape so you don’t have to form them. Don’t forget to trim them from time to time.

14. Flower Border

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@Specialty Gardens

The flower garden can act as a border between adjacent properties or yard nooks. It can be as narrow as needed and the plant kinds may vary.

The opulent varieties here create a lively visual partition and vivid natural textures.

15. Garden Beds Surround A Pond

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@Howard Design Studio

The small backyard may seem unsuitable for a pond but you will be fascinated by the number of water feature ideas for small gardens. This beautiful fountain with a pond traced by garden beds with boxwood and hydrangeas are typical for a traditional English home.

Garden beds are traced by living fences and among the lush greenery you can sit comfortably and relax your sights.

16. Small Cottage Garden

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@Margie Grace – Grace Design Associates

Cottage gardens are so whimsy and quiant regardless of their size. In this lovely landscape idea, the cottage garden covers a part of the front yard between a stepping stone walkway and the porch. It features tufts of blooming flowers and climbing roses that embrace the roof of the porch.

A pair of Adirondack chairs in a lively blue color look directly at a zen fountain in the center of the cottage garden.

17. Garden Around A Fence

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@Glenna Partridge Garden Design

The fence of this house is short and the homeowners have decided to go for a sloped garden bed continued by a row of green bushes instead of treiling plants. The plant varieties are beatifully arranged by height and sunlight needs.

The predominent color of the blooms is white which is here and there interrupted by green foliage and pink delicate blooms.

18. Mulch Garden Around A Post Box

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Small gardens can be built around vertical features such as fountains, trees and mail posts. Regardless of their size, these gardens are important of blending the added feature with the surroundings.

This mulch bed looks perfectly maintained thanks to the symmetrical planting of suitable plant varieties and of course, the lack of weeds.

19. Natural Umbrella

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The garden bed is built around tall trees that create a lovely natural shade and vertical interest.

The garden is inspired by wild nature and features wild flowers that will attract humingnirds and butterflies.

20. Purple Blooms Amongst Lush Greenery

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A trick to create interest in a small garden whether on a windowsill or a group of flower pots, use one repetitive element. That can be the type of the flower pot, the flower variety or the color of the blooms. In this attractive small garden idea, the homeowner has decided to repeat the terra cotta pots and the color of the flowers.

This repetition will attract attention and will create a feeling for harmony.

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Ivo Iv

Ivo is the owner of Decorhomeideas.com – he started the site back in 2013, when he was still working in a Home Decor company, but the passion for interior design and decorations lead to creating the site and following his own dream of creating a great Home Decor, DIY and Gardening online-magazine. EXPERTISE: Landscaping, Interior Design, Gardening, DIYer, Home Decor, Engineering, LOCATION: New York, USA TITLE: Chief Editor FOLLOW IVO IV on LinkedIn