Halloween is a holiday anticipated by kids and also by their parents. Why are we so excited about it?
In addition to seeing our kids smiling faces, we love it because it is another opportunity to dress our homes in a festive (and spooky) theme.

We guarantee that the next collection of Halloween door décorations will inspire your outdoor Halloween décor.
You can source ideas to add to your existing décor or to make a brand new Halloween outdoor arrangement. All of the décor ideas are easy, cheap and outstanding!
1. Raven Feather Wreath

This feather wreath looks so realistic- as if coming out straight from a raven. Black feathers inserted on a Styrofoam ring are all you need for this simple idea.
Add bat figures to enhance the spooky flair.
2. Spider Web Doormat

When you decorate your entrance for Halloween, you shouldn’t miss the doormat. A doormat reminding a spider web will surely make an impression.
This is a great and easy DIY idea that will cost you less than $10 and can be reused for years to come.
via Delia Creates
3. Front Door With Googly Eyes

This Halloween craft idea is fun not only because of the final result but also because of its making process.
Your kids will love to seal googly eyes on the door surface.
4. Colorful And Cheerful Door Banner

The banner is an alternative to the Halloween wreath. If you are looking for a more colorful idea, check out this design!
It gathers in one piece all season colors and symbols of Halloween.
5. Spooky Tree Decal

If your door is white, you can take advantage of ready decals with spooky images.
This tall tree covers a standard door surface to recreate a bare tree with ravens alighted.
via Midwest Living
6. Smiley Mummy

This is probably the happiest mummy face ever! It welcomes kids for a trick-or-treat with a wide smile and kind eyes.
Bandages wrapped around the door let the image be easily differentiated.
7. Witch’s Legs Doormat

Well, you shouldn’t miss placing this doormat on Halloween. It is fun for adults and kids and also pretty easy to make without changing the existing doormat.
Prepare a pair of socks, fill them in with cotton or wool and dress with a pair of black shoes. Then simply insert the legs under the doormat.
8. A Monster Lives On The Porch

You can make these creepy teeth from wood or from cardstock. Firstly, trace them down with a pencil on the paper to make sure that they look as you imagine them- sharp and also symmetric.
Coloring them is the easiest part. Use permanent markers to create the bloody gums and the dirty tips.
via Craftibilities
9. Spider Web Decal

Another easy idea to make your front door creepy for Halloween is to stick a decal of a spider web.
And a spider web wouldn’t be that scary if there wasn’t a giant spider attached to it!
10. Skeletons Want To Escape

This front door Halloween decoration is made from foam pieces. The base is a blackboard to which pieces cut in the shape of slats are hot-glued.
There are a lot of paintworks involved to give the foam a realistic look of wood texture.
After you are ready with assembling the pieces, add skeleton arms peeking out.
via Dave Lowe Design
11. Paper Craft Monster

If you don’t want to risk damaging your front door with decals or wood decorations, you can try this paper monster decoration.
Some painter’s tape, strips of tissue paper or streamers and cardstock create the monster face that will welcome kids for a trick or treat.
12. The Witch Missed The Door

This is a pretty realistic Halloween door decoration. It is actually on the wall of the door representing a witch landing on the wall.
This is an imaginative door décor that will surely make everyone laugh sincerely. For it, get a pair of mannequin legs, old stockings and plywood to make the black base.
The wall pieces can be replicated with foam pieces or cardstock cuts.
via Dave Lowe Design
13. Jack-o Lantern Topiary

This porch’s Halloween décor will be visible far from the street thanks to the lit-up faces of Jack-o lanterns arranged vertically in a topiary.
You can use a flower pot in a neutral color and a metal dowel to secure the pumpkins vertically.
14. Ghost Of A Human Size

The mysterious light and spooky Jack-o lanterns prepare you on the way up the stairs to meet the most dreadful ghost ever.
It looks very realistic thanks to its human size. Wonder how to achieve this spooky specter ghost? Use a skeleton as a basis and dress it with white bedsheets.
It will look scarier if you also cover the head and the hands with black fabric and gloves.
15. Spider Web In A Frame

Change the leafy wreath with a Halloween front door decoration. This is an easy Halloween craft idea for which you need an old frame, yarn and some tape to hold the strings together.
You can experiment with the color of the yarn and the color of the frame to make the spider web Halloween craft idea spookier or cheerful.
via Made Everyday
16. Front Door Mummy Craft

Similar to the happy mummy front door décor, this mummy is also made with cardstock eyes and band lengths.
The difference is the lack of a smile that gives the mummy a friendly look.
The mummy in this idea is not smiling, only two big black eyes are peeking out the bandage to give the front door a scary look.
17. Witch’s Wreath

Make a Halloween-inspired wreath to make your front door festive and charming! The craft is inspired by the witch outfit featuring a pair of stockings stuffed with filling (newspaper, old T-shirt or socks), a tutu skirt made from nylon frills weaved around the wreath circle.
Don’t forget to add the black hat over the wreath form to finish the witch-inspired wreath front door décor.
via Redefined Mom
18. Spiders Creep On The Stairs

This front porch décor consists of three décor elements- decals for the front door, pumpkins and spiders.
The bat decals can be purchased on the Internet and sealed to the front door in a pattern you like. As for the spiders, they are handmade from styrofoam balls.
Each ball is spray-painted black to give the body of the spider the typical look. The creepy legs are made from black pipe cleaners. Added orange pumpkins enhance the festive look and provide contrast for the black creeping figures.
via One Good Thing
19. Notched Welcome Sign

If you are looking for a Halloween front porch décor that is spooky but also elegant, try this inspiring arrangement. It consists of elements that are already on hand or can be easily found.
The welcome sign is the spooky part of the décor featuring a notched board of wood and large letters with a metallic finish.
20. Triple-Creepy Front Door Decor

This is one of the easiest Halloween front door décor ideas. You need black washi tape and pipe cleaners in identical or different colors.
Trace a spider web on the door surface with the washi tape. Cover part of it or the entire surface. The spiders are three placed on the web with packing tape.
21. Fluffy Monster Door

This front door décor idea is worth doing because it can be reused for many years. It features a fluffy black blanket transformed into a monster door curtain.
The eyes of the monsters are cut from cardstock and then attached to the fabric with tape.
22. Witch’s Garland And Wreath

This colorful decoration uses colors and symbols related to the scary witch. The garland traces the front door frame with cheerful tulle fabric pieces woven in a rope. Ribbons in green and black tie the tulle lengths and create a point of interest.
Signs in the witch’s theme are attached to the garland with hot glue to enhance the spooky theme.
Added floor decoration coordinates with the garland color pattern and completes the witch’s front porch decoration.
via The Cutest Blog
23. Black-And-White Porch Décor For Halloween

Sometimes scary can be imposed with colors. The black and white color combo creates a gloomy and cold atmosphere which is perfect for Halloween.
The décor idea here includes a white vintage frame keeping a large W initial against a striped background.
Spider web and spider decals are sealed on the white siding to make a hint about the coming holiday. They are supported by dry tree branches replacing the blooming flowers once staying in the flower pots.
Cheese-cloth pieces are wrapped around the peeking twigs to imitate spider webs.
24. Black Cheese-Cloth To Enhance The Spooky Vibe

This is a great idea of how to easily make the front door décor for Halloween scarier. Use cheesecloth in white or black to form spider webs on the décor elements.
Some spider decals or spiders from Styrofoam and pipe cleaners are always a good idea to make the scenery more realistic.
25. Burlap Garland And Wreath

Keep your front door elegant and yet spooky with this Halloween décor idea.
Instead of many Halloween-themed figures and decals, you can use one wreath and a garland in the same style to make the front porch atmosphere darker and gloomier.
26. LED Candles Keep The Atmosphere Scary

Make the front porch décor visible and scary during the night. For that, add LED candles to different spots of the arrangement to light it up at night.
via Slworking2
27. Black Accents For A Spooky Porch

You can reuse the old autumn porch décor and upgrade its look by adding only a few new décor elements.
A wreath from black feathers, a skeleton decal and dry tree branches will add a scary tone to the standard fall décor.
28. Crepe Paper Mummy

If you ask your kids what front door decoration they would like for Halloween, it is very likely they say, Mummy. The mummy door is not that scary and yet instantly adjusts the look and atmosphere for the holiday.
There are many tutorials for making your front door look like a mummy. This one features how to wrap the door with crepe paper.
29. A Flock Of Bats On The Front Porch

To create a temporary Halloween décor, use bats cut from construction paper. Don’t take down the fall wreath. Simply stick the bats around and on it with tape.
If there is a chair, a flower pot or any standing piece on the porch, throw a black cheese-cloth piece on it to make it creepy.
30. Cheese Cloth Draped Down The Porch Ceiling

Another inspiring idea for adding a creepy vibe to the existing porch fall décor is to drape down black cheesecloth and sheer fabric to imitate spider webs.
You can add it to a curtain rod or drape the pieces down from a hook in the center of the ceiling.
Add a large spider to let anyone understand who has made the spider web.
31. A Skeleton Greeting

Create a very creepy porch décor with Jack-o lanterns and a skeleton. If there are stairs, place one lantern on each step on the way to the front door.
Position the skeleton figure directly on the front door. Fix one of its hands in a waving position to add also a fun element to the scary décor arrangement.
32. Movie-Inspired Front Door Decal

Do you recognize this face? This decal is inspired by Tim Burton’s movie “The Nightmare Before Christmas”.
The link below will lead you to a free Jack Skellington door printable that will make your front door fun for Halloween.
via Homemade Heather
33. Mind The Spiders

Arrange cheese-cloth and many plastic spiders on the front porch to create a spider attack scenery.
If there is space enough, you can finish this scary arrangement with a big inflatable spider waiting for its next victim.
via Dead Spider
34. Candy Countdown Board

Halloween is the holiday kids love most. Whether because of the costumes or for the treats they get, they get excited about it and count the days until it comes.
You can visualize this anxious waiting with a handmade board supported by small spooky figures of skeletons.
via I Heart Nap Time
35. Spider Web Rug

Getting a themed rug for Halloween is a good idea when you look from a perspective. It can be reused many times. Its pattern imitates a spider web which instantly adds a spooky vibe to the front porch.
Arrange plastic spiders on the fabric web or make your own. You can use Styrofoam balls or plastic pumpkins and pipe cleaners.
via Bower Power
36. Witch’s Wreath In Fall Colors

If you want to stick to the traditional fall color palette for your Halloween décor, try this DIY wreath.
It is inspired by the witch symbol and is colored in orange, white and black.
via Posh Creations
37. Easy Halloween Porch Decor

Piling up many pumpkins on the stairs and surrounding the piles with dry leaves instantly gives the porch a haunted look.
Go deeper with the creepy theme with large spiders sealed on the siding and lanterns with scream phrases.
via Southern Living
38. Spiders Are Witch’s Best Friends

Use a fluffy spider to replace the typical witch’s hat in this Halloween wreath idea. The combination of these two holiday symbols instantly gives the craft a scary look.
Added strings of lights is a good idea that will let the spooky wreath be visible also at night.
39. A Ghost Says Hi

This Halloween front door decoration is elegant and spooky at the same time. All décor elements are symmetrically positioned on the porch and coordinated by colors.
The garland itself features typical for the season elements- grapevine, pumpkins and leaves. Added witches on both sides of it and the centerpiece are what give the arrangement a creepy look.
In the center of the front door, a white ghost is waving for hello. It is given a floating look with a piece of cheese-cloth draping down the screaming skeleton.
via The White Hare
40. Flying Bats

Bats can be sealed on the porch surfaces or can be hung down the ceiling.
To suspend them, use a fishing cord that is transparent and gives the bats a realistic look once the wind blows.
via Season Love
41. Half A Jack-O-Lantern

The orange color is very cheerful and related to the autumn season. If you like it for your porch seasonal décor, you can use it also to adapt it to the Halloween theme with a pumpkin-inspired front door decoration.
Instead of wrapping the door with white crepe paper or bandage to decorate it as a mummy, transform the door with orange paper.
Cut two triangles from metallic paper and half a smile from the same sheet and glue on the orange background.
42. Wreath With Eyeballs

This Halloween front door décor is easy, affordable and funny. Get a package of small Styrofoam balls, a package of googly eyes and spray paints in lively colors.
Spray the balls first and then seal one eye to each ball.
Once the staring foam balls are ready, you can start gluing them on a Styrofoam ring.
via I Love To Create
43. Maleficent-Inspired Wreath

This wreath decoration is elegant with the stone-cold face of Maleficent placed in the center of rich layers of tulle and feathers.
Bead twigs peek out from the back of the mask to make the wreath design more fascinating and glamorous.
44. Say Boo With A Wreath

If you already have a nice autumn-themed wreath on the front door, simply add a sign “BOO” to it to adapt it to the forthcoming Halloween holiday.
The hanging sign can be cut from wood or crafted out of black construction paper. The sign can spell other spooky and Halloween-related words such as “Happy Halloween”, “Wicked”, “Haunted House”, “Oogie Boogie”.
45. A Frame With A Skeleton Ornament

For this DIY Halloween front door décor, you need an old mirror frame. The color combination here aims to set the dark theme easily, however, you can always change it to another color from the autumn palette.
The ornaments make an interesting decoration of the frame. There are dark roses and feathers creating an elegant corner arrangement.
The scary pinch of the front door frame is the addition of a skeleton sitting on the flowers, a spooky sign diagonally from it and many tiny spiders crawling on the frame.
via Confessions of a Serial DIYer
46. A Mummy Holds The Wreath

This is a fun twist on the wreath decoration and the mummy door. The design is simple but impacting.
You need a latex glove and toilet paper. Stuff the glove with paper and then wrap it around the glove. Use white strips of fabric to give the hand that realistic mummy finish and also to tie it to the wreath.
Hanging on the door happens with a hook that remains invisible once the hand is suspended.
via Bower Power
47. A Doorbell To Freak Out

That is one of the spookiest front-door Halloween decorations ever!
And is so simple to make! Just take a finger from a Dollar Store and glue it to the doorbell.
via Pretty Prudent
48. Witches’ Garage

Do you know where witches make potions? In your own garage! This is an outstanding idea for a door decoration that will make Halloween more exciting.
For the spooky scene, you can use cardboard, plywood sheets or foam. Once you have cut the figures, fix strings of lights to the back of the pieces.
Full instructions can be found below.
via Instructables
49. Get In The Monster House

If you live in a windy area, you may want to try this monster mouth idea. The teeth are cut from a foam board which is far more durable than cardstock.
Depending on how scary you would like the monster to be, you can color the tips of the teeth with red paint imitating blood.
Here, the author has decided to leave the teeth white but has made them sharper.
via Nifty Thrifty and Thriving
50. Jack Skellington Garage Decoration

If your garage is facing the main street, you may want to also make it festive for Halloween. The Jack Skellington face is cut from vinyl paper.
The white color of the garage door lets the face parts stand out. If your door is another color, you can cut the parts from white paper instead.
51. Black Cat Watching Bats

This is another interesting decal idea that is of a size suitable for a garage door.
The vinyl pieces are sealed directly on the door surface but if you are looking for an alternative, you can cut the pieces from cardstock and secure them with tape.
52. Monster Garage

Monsters can hide also in the garages! Are you impressed with the size of this Halloween craft idea? The monster teeth and eyes can be cut from cardstock, plywood or foam. Securing them happens with screws.
An interesting idea of giving the craft a spooky look also at night is to use neon paint to trace the teeth and to fill the eyes.
53. Hanging Ghosts For Porch Halloween Decor

Similar to the hanging bats, you can hang any other spooky creatures on the porch. These ghosts are easy and fun to make.
You need Styrofoam balls and white fabric pieces. Cut the ends of the fabric with a scissor to give them a fluffy look when glued in layers on the ball.
via HGTV
54. Functional Front Door Halloween Decor

This front door décor idea is so practical! It makes sure that every kid is treated for the holiday, even if you are not at home.
Cut a plastic pumpkin in halves and glue one of them to a flat vertical surface. This example features a combination of a black chalkboard and a matte white pumpkin.
The top of the board welcomes you to have a treat directly from the pumpkin’s mouth.
via Cherished Bliss
55. Simple And Scary Letter Sign

This is how a simple letter sign can be given a spooky look. Use typical images for the holiday to recreate on the letters. The “B” letter is a spider web and the two “O”’s are eyeballs staring at you.
You can use the sign alone on the porch or add it to a wreath.
56. Someone Is Staring At You

This Halloween craft idea can be hung on the front door or next to the doorbell. It will surely freak everyone out with the staring blue eye in the center.
57. Witch’s Hat Full Of Flowers

This is one of those Halloween front door décor ideas that are more elegant than scary. It is suitable for families with small kids that are still afraid of Halloween creatures.
Faux flowers in dark colors are used as a filling for the witch’s hat. A small plastic mouse stays on the top of the arrangement to add a subtle creepy touch.
via The Spohrs Are Multiplying
58. A Welcoming Spider

The spider in this Halloween front porch décor takes the place of the welcoming wreath. It is given a cute look with a pipe cleaner smile.
The body of the spider is a plain Styrofoam ring painted black. Pipe cleaners mimic the legs. The black color of the spider has defined the accent of the rest of the porch’s Halloween décor. Black feather garland creates loops around green burlap.
Together they trace the entire front door. Orange, purple and white are used separately and in combination to let the black spider stand out.
via Hobby Lobby
59. Pumpkins Grow On the Front Door

If you prefer sticking to a front door décor that can stay all season long, go for this elegant trio of pumpkins.
Since they will be hung to the door, you need pumpkins that are light in weight. Plastic ones work perfectly. You can cut them in halves easily and you can decorate them the way you want.
To decorate them, use paints in autumn colors and matching ribbons. In case you want to add a spooky detail for Halloween, you can always glue plastic spiders or bats to the pumpkins.
60. This Monster Is Hungry

If you like the idea of a monster face but your porch is small to decorate it with teeth, try this front door idea.
Construction paper in black, orange, red and white figures out the parts of a hungry monster’s face.
via Home Jelly
61. Monster From Streamers

An easy, quick and fantastic idea for a front door décor that will make Halloween more exciting! Streamers drape down the top of the door to recreate the monster’s hair.
White tape pieces define the eyebrows and the mouth and two paper plates are fixed on the door for the eyes.
via Modern Day Moms
62. The Witch Has Landed Into The Pot

The misguided witch is a great source for Halloween décor crafts. Here, it has inspired a porch decoration that is sure to be noticed.
Two mannequin legs peek out of a large flower pot. They are dressed in striped stockings and black shoes.
A broom lays against the pot to make sure that everyone recognizes the decoration. You can also add a black hat to make the arrangement funnier.
63. Skull Wreath

Well, this wreath is scary, isn’t it? And that is possible only with one simple addition to the traditional flower wreath- skulls.
They are plastic and light in weight so gluing them securely to the wreath base is easy. Add black feathers to create a bolder contrast for the pale white skulls.
via Family Holiday
64. Lonely Owl On A Tree Decal

If you like the silhouette decals, you can try making yourself one. Luckily, it is simplified in shape- a tree, an owl and a crescent moon.
The effect of the silhouette craft will be best felt on a white door or a door with a glass pane.
via BHG
65. A Skeleton With A Bow

Make a cheap wreath that is a blend of spooky and stylish. Start with a Styrofoam ring wrapped with a black and white striped fabric.
The large bow glued to the bottom of the ring aims to give the wreath stability and also to keep a smiling skull face fixed to the ring.