20 Beautiful Indoor Vines And Climbers You Can Grow Easily At Home

Green vines and climbers look stunning in your home — but if you’ve never grown them indoors, the prospect can be intimidating.

That’s where these fantastic plants come in; each one is easy to grow and care for inside the house, even if you’re new to gardening.

Best Indoor Vines And Climbing Plants. Indoor vine plants and climbing plants are great houseplants to bring nature into your home environment. The best indoor vine plants and climbers can be used in hanging baskets, trained to climb, or just put in a pot on a high shelf. #decorhomeideas

Grab a pretty pot and some soil, and you’re ready to get started.

1. Arrowhead Plant

Arrowhead Plant #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum

As soon as you see the arrowhead plant, you’ll understand where it got its name — each leaf is shaped like the end of an arrow.

When it’s left to grow in a pot, the vines cascade down the sides and the large leaves add in plenty of texture and color.

via Lush Forest

2. Betel Leaf Plant

Betel Leaf Plant

Botanical Name: Piper betle

The betel leaf plant is what’s known as a “perennial creeper”, which means that it will last for years with proper care.

This plant is relatively small, making it a great choice for apartments and offices. With its brilliant green leaves, it refreshes any space.

via Nursery Live

3. Black-Eyed Susan Vine

Black-Eyed Susan Vine #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Thunbergia alata

You’ve probably heard of Black-Eyed Susans, but did you know that this pretty flower also comes in vine form?

The long, flexible fines will grow up a support system, even indoors — they look gorgeous alone, and when they bloom, your home becomes a riot of color and texture.

4. Creeping Fig

Creeping Fig #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Ficus pumila

With its stunning deep green leaves and pale accents, the creeping fig is a plant that demands a second glance.

The vines on this species tend to grow in thick bunches, creating a dramatic look in a standard pot.

Place one on a small accent table to bring lush greenery to any room.

via A Plant Lady

5. English Ivy

English Ivy #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Hedera helix

Is there anything prettier and more classic than English Ivy?

With its eye-catching leaves and cascading vines, this plant is sure to be the focal point of any space.

The trick is to set the pot in a high spot — that way, you get the full effect of the vines.

6. Forest Cactus

Forest Cactus #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Lepismium bolivianum

The forest cactus probably doesn’t look much like any cactus you’ve seen before.

Featuring slim vines with a beautiful cactus texture, this plant makes a thrilling addition to your collection.

Plant it in a hanging pot and enjoy how the bright color cheers up your space.

via Crocus UK

7. Grape Ivy

Grape Ivy #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Cissus rhombifolia / Cissus striata

If you love the look of ivy but you have a limited amount of space, grape ivy is a fantastic solution.

Like English ivy, this species grows on long, slim vines.

The grape ivy’s smaller leaves take up less room, so you can set a pot on a shelf or side table.

via View and Vine

8. Green Coins

Green Coins #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Peperomia ‘Pepperspot’

If there’s one word to describe the green coins plant, it would be “adorable”.

This compact plant features tiny round leaves that cluster together in a rich blend of texture and color.

The vines tend to be small and delicate, adding a breath of fresh air to your home.

via Bakker

9. Heartleaf Philodendron

Heartleaf Philodendron #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Philodendron hederaceum

Do you love bright, vibrant colors?

The heartleaf philodendron is the perfect pick. This plant features a blend of almost-neon green, dark green, and Kelly green, creating a high-contrast look that’s impossible to ignore.

The leaves are large and graceful, ensuring maximum visual impact.

Available on: Amazon

10. Hoya

Hoya #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Hoya spp

The leaves are the star of the hoya plant — each one features a unique coil shape and a rich, waxy green surface that reflects the light.

We love the way the leaves grow in dense groups, bringing the lush feeling of the great outdoors into any room of the house.

Since it’s relatively small, the hoya makes a great addition to an apartment.

via Costa Farms

11. Inch Plant

Inch Plant #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Tradescantia zebrina

Also known as the Wandering Jew plant, the inch plant brings a distinct vintage vibe to your home.

The beauty is in the striking coloration of the leaves; each one is striped with dark and pale green colors.

When the vines begin to grow, the leaves look even more defined and dramatic.

12. Jasmine

Jasmine #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Jasminum

You’ve heard of jasmine tea — did you know that you can plant the jasmine flower inside your house?

Known for its tiny white blooms and deep green leaves, this gorgeous vine looks gorgeous year-round.

The vines tend to grow at least 12 inches per year, giving you plenty of time to pick the perfect spot for new growth.

via My Home US

13. Kangaroo Vine

Kangaroo Vine #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Cissus antarctica

The kangaroo vine is instantly recognizable, thanks to its distinctive leaves.

Each one is shaped like a heart and accented with a series of sharp edge points. The color is saturated but not too bright, creating a restrained look in a sunny kitchen or living room.

via Flora Dania

14. Pilea

Pilea #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Pilea

With its tiny leaves and vibrant green color, the pilea is one of the most beautiful vines to grow in the house.

Each leaf has a slightly waxy surface that shines every time the light hits it; hang it near a window, and you’ll smile every time you walk by.

15. Pothos

Pothos #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

Are you looking for a plant that will bring serious drama to your indoor space? The pothos plant fits the bill.

Each vine can grow to be many feet long — combined with the large leaf size, this creates an attention-grabbing look. Place a pot on top of a bookcase, or build a framework and allow it to cover a wall.

via Jamies Jungle

16. Rex Begonia Vine

Rex Begonia Vine #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Cissus discolor

If you’re looking for a moody vibe, the rex begonia vine is the perfect fit.

Deep green leaves with dark purple undersides set the mood, and pale green veins keep everything looking light and fresh. Each leaf is quite large, so you can make a big statement with just one plant.

17. String of Nickels

String of Nickels #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Dischidia nummularia

Impossibly charming, the string of nickels is sure to delight your visitors. As its name suggests, each vine looks like a string of nickel-shaped green leaves.

The vines tend to grow close together, giving this plant a serious presence in your home. We love the cheerful color, which looks fantastic against a white wall.

18. String of Pearls

String of Pearls #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Senecio rowleyanus

If you’re in the market for an easy-to-grow plant that makes a striking decorative item, check out the string of pearls.

The long, slim vines feature rows of pearl-shaped balls that fill your home with a completely unexpected texture.

The secret behind its unique look? This vine is actually a succulent.

via One Proud Plant Mama

19. Wax Ivy

Wax Ivy #houseplant #vine #climbingplant #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name: Senecio macroglossus

With its sweet trailing leaves, the wax ivy is a classic hanging plant. The best part?

This is an exceptionally durable plant, making it a great choice for beginning indoor gardeners. It looks great in hanging and traditional containers, giving you plenty of placement flexibility.

via Piep Co

20 Beautiful Indoor Vines And Climbers You Can Grow Easily At Home

Indoor vines and climbers bring a natural, cascading beauty to any space.

Pothos, English Ivy, and String of Pearls are low-maintenance favorites, draping elegantly over shelves and hanging baskets.

Heartleaf Philodendron and Arrowhead add lush greenery, while Jasmine and Black-Eyed Susan Vine offer delicate flowers with a sweet fragrance.

For a unique touch, Rex Begonia and Betel Leaf provide colorful foliage. These easy-to-grow plants transform your home into a serene, indoor jungle.

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Ivo Iv

Ivo is the owner of Decorhomeideas.com – he started the site back in 2013, when he was still working in a Home Decor company, but the passion for interior design and decorations lead to creating the site and following his own dream of creating a great Home Decor, DIY and Gardening online-magazine. EXPERTISE: Landscaping, Interior Design, Gardening, DIYer, Home Decor, Engineering, LOCATION: New York, USA TITLE: Chief Editor FOLLOW IVO IV on LinkedIn