If you want to add some vintage-looking accents in your garden try these creative flower planters.

1. Brighten Up Your Yard with Tin Bucket Planters

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Great idea with tin buckets along the wooden deck. Perfect for displaying lobelia and red nemesia.
2. Make Herb Gardens Exciting with Vintage Basket Planters

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When it comes to small-space gardening, repurpose old baskets and fabric totes, they truly make lovely containers.
Look at this statement arrangement! Definitely a creative way to grow herbs!
Generally, whether on your balcony or indoors, a herb garden is always a charming option to both have fresh herbs and add color, scent, and visual interest to your space.
Creative hobbies are the finest treat for our souls. They also have this way to inspire us to reach mastery in what we do, to maximize our potential.
The sky is the limit when it comes to amazing, vintage looking garden planters. That is, of course, if you like limitations at all.
3. Transform Your Ladder into an Elegant Flower Stand

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Transforming ladders into flowers stands is an easy, affordable DIY project.
Look at this presentation of potted plants!
These ladder steps are definitely a gorgeous way to both create a display of potted plants and add style, visual interest, and personality.
As you can see, it’s not that difficult to add some extra vintage charm to your space!
After the tiny lovely planter baskets, it is time to handle the next vintage fusion of flowers.
This is a pretty good use of a ladder, especially if you are not a fan of climbing up and down to repair stuff and prefer to enjoy the beauty of nature.
4. Add Vintage Charm with a Yellow Box Crate

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Unleash your creativity! Think outside the ordinary terracotta pots!
Look around your barn, garage, or attic and turn trash into treasure. Old crates, boxes, galvanized buckets, wire baskets, suitcases, wheelbarrows, dressers, chairs…
They all make gorgeous containers. Plus, using any vintage-looking item is a fascinating way to add an extra dose of charm and personality to your garden!
This yellow planter has a wide range of flowers and is beautifully located on the small chair.
Both adults and kids would love being around this adorable arrangement of plants.
You can also use pots and pans if you are lacking baskets around. Remember, anything with a bottom can become a planter!
5. Create a Charming Display with Turquoise Metal Planters

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You can find me where the wild roses grow.
These vintage designs for garden planters are absolutely working for me.
What do you think? See how the blue and the red stand out in the loveliest of all outdoor environments.
A garden is a space for our plants and hearts to grow.
6. Enhance your Space with a Big Vintage Planter

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Heavenly, functional and most important of all – so healthy! Planting the ingredients for your divine salads is all about grounding and having the best food that is always fresh, tasty and clean.
The planters add a little character to the garden; they bring out the special qualities of the produce!
7. Personalize Your Galvanized Bucket Planters

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Alright, this little plant may seem simple and small, but it will grow into a beautiful emperor of the garden!
Using a bucket always comes as a pleasant surprise.
Look for one that is vintage enough for our project, but kindly skip those who have holes inside!
8. Upcycle a Bench into a Rustic Garden Planter

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My lucky planter is actually a full bench of flowers.
Are you allowed to turn an old bench into a planter?
By all means. I think you should decorate it to the fullest.
Cats, angels or gnomes – think carefully. I highly suggest anything else but gnomes as a matter of fact. Some of us are scared of them
9. Plant Flowers in Style with Galvanized Buckets

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Flowery, lovely and old.
Well, not old enough to be tossed out, right?
I have another inspiring idea where to plant your gorgeous flowers.
If your garden has lost its sense of identity, grab a cup of tea and start planning a DIY project. Wherever our attention is, everything grows.
10. Make a Simple Rustic Planter with a Wooden Box

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Simple arrangement, which adds so much personality!
You can’t take a candid photo if the one you are trying to capture knows your intention, right?
The best about our vintage planters is that they also had no idea what role they would play in their flowery scenarios.
Look at this arrangement and create something captivating!
11. Achieve Timeless Elegance with Rock Planters

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This is definitely a stunning way to add character to your outdoors!
You would not believe how old this idea is. Nobody’s counting the years anymore – that old!
That is the thing about vintage ideas. They are timeless. Sometimes they came from pure necessity.
Sometimes they are bringing life to ideas that have been used over and over again one too many times.
12. Repurpose a Vintage Bicycle into a Rustic Garden Planter

When it comes to creativity, the flowery bicycle is definitely an unusual garden planter. It is a garden décor that doesn’t leave you indifferent.
It leaves you speechless, inspired and craving for nature. If you wish to have this in your backyard, simply use an old bicycle to create a DIY planter.
13. Get Creative with Your Garden Planter with a Vintage Scale

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Having an old hanging measuring scale at home? It could turn to a perfect garden planter.
14. VTake Garden Planters to the Next Level with Vintage Carts

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We are off to the next unusual idea.
Small carts can be used as planters for green grass and plants of all varieties. It’s a golden tip!
Charming, natural-friendly and a beautiful addition to the backyard. It can be successfully used even from someone with basic gardening skills.
15. Enjoy Nature with a Vintage Watering Can Planter

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Gardening is almost like a spiritual practice.
It takes place both in the physical world and in the realm of the invisible alchemy of life.
A watering can is a lovely planter in this case where the flowers can bloom.
Yellow and purple colors, the flowers are all gorgeous and worth some devotion.
16. Upgrade Your Garden with a Rustic Wheelbarrow Planter

How about this ingenious vintage planter?
This garden is a stunning masterpiece of art. There is an idea worth feeling inspired about.
You can create different layers of the gardens, a variety of planters and elements to create a stunning, unique case of garden beauty.
17. Add Character to Your Garden with Whiskey Barrel Planters

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Repurposed whiskey barrels add so much character and charm!
Formerly a whiskey barrel, now a planter. I call this progress, development and success.
This element is an example of healthy, green living. It is also adorable and brings joy to our eyes.
A full bouquet of marvelous flowers is a charismatic piece of art. Finely done and full of nature’s finest love!
18. Utilize a Galvanized Bucket for Your Spilled Flower Ideas

These type of flower arrangements are known as spilled flowers. Usually it recreates the idea of flowers flowing out of basket or some other planter.
19. Jazz Up Your Porch with a Wooden Planter

Even though it looks quite heavy and needs strong support it could be nice addition to your porch. It could be arranged with some small flower pot and colorful flowers.
20. Use Mop Buckets To Create Garden Island

“Over the years, I have accumulated several old galvanized scrub or mop buckets. They work as annual planters just like my galvanized laundry tubs and feed buckets. This old bucket is planted with two red Nemesia annuals. Nemesia has become one of my favorite annuals.” – says Carlene