Gardens are our attempts to surround our homes in an eco-system, to naturally shorten the distance between man and nature. In our homes, gardens are the most blissful places where we can ground ourselves.
Gardens bring us tranquility, make us feel at home.

Garden designs are also ways to express ourselves, our take on the most profound of all creations – nature.
They are living ecological systems that make concrete buildings come to life. They surround us and we see that whatever we plant, adore and care for grows beautifully.
It is time to get centered, balanced and look into the garden decorations that remind us why garden design and gardening are such blissful experiences. We can dive into a deep, relaxed and more beautiful state of mind.
1. Embellish Your Home with a Stone Garden Centerpiece

Photo: Credit
In this centerpiece of garden decor, stones are scattered and piled all around the green plants. The plants are centered on a plate, which is also full of stones.
To achieve this decor, you need a variety of stones in similar sizes. This is an example of a modern home with a truly inviting front lawn.
2. Create a Beautiful Pathway with Colorful Patterned Stones

Photo: Credit
When we think of patterns and shapes being formed by stones, the possibilities truly are endless.
Many houses have pathways to the front door, but not many have them decorated with colors, shapes, and imagination.
There is a wonderful idea we can recreate with some planning and efforts.
3. Give Your Garden a Zen-Inspired Look with Stones

Photo: Credit
The stones set the tone for relaxation and piece right from the first look we take at this yard full of plants and trees.
There is the feeling you can breathe with full lungs here, you can feel nature, feel aware and receive the soothing comfort of the green view in front of our eyes.
4. Transform Your Landscape with Thoughtful Stone Mandalas

Photo: Credit
With a smart use of stones and some skill, we can also create flower patterns or mandalas in our yards. Symbolically, you can choose any form or shape that you feel intuitively drawn to.
Make sure you truly feel it “yours” because it will have a lasting effect – every time you take a walk.
5. Step into Nature with a Beautiful Rock Pathway

Photo: Credit
In this beautiful garden, we feel mesmerized by the warmth of all colors – shades of orange and red; white, purple and red flower petals, and the vitality of the green background, full of trees. Looks like a perfect addition to a cottage garden layout.
Imagine taking a walk after the raindrops have just stopped falling.
6. Make a Lasting Impression with Palm Trees and Rock Bed

Photo: Credit
Palm trees have been adored for ages – Assyrians and Egyptians were thinking of the palms as the “trees of life”.
Given the gravity of this symbolism, it is no coincidence palms would be symbols of honor, truth, and depth. Placed in the center of the garden, they set the tone for the garden vibe.
7. Get Creative with Leaf-Shaped Stepping Stones

Photo: Credit
These stones have been carved in the shape of brown leaves and surround the garden centerpiece, forming a circle around it.
One’s garden is one’s little sanctuary and we can see this here. The stones are artistically set and they work synergistically with the green plants once again.
8. Unveil the Beauty of Unique Stone Patterns in a Modern Garden

Photo: Credit
We tend to realize that we need peace usually once we have lost it and it’s becoming urgent to balance ourselves.
This yard creates a space where one can return and feel recharged. A great modern garden inspired by the idea to create a home that is also a temple of peace.
9. Enchant Your Garden with Rustic Shaped Stepping Stones

Photo: Credit
This enchanted park cannot remain hidden very long, especially with the wonderful gazebo in the back. To go there and enjoy some milkshakes, you do need to step on the marvelous stones in round and square shapes. This pattern looks like a compass, designed inside a green path.
10. Create a Rustic Rock Garden Border for Your Tall Plants

Photo: Credit
Tall plants by the fences of a house create the illusion that space can expand somehow. In this particular case, the fresh green color goes perfectly with the red nuances of the stones. The inside of this fence is embracing the entire space inside, it feels like they regenerate the energy inside.
11. Adorn Your Stone Garden Pathway with Greenery

Photo: Credit
Big stone steps that are full of green plants bring a sense of adventure. This truly is a bold choice, because also the practical maintenance of a garden like this is a bit harder.
Nonetheless, we get to enjoy physically and spiritually this path with each step we take.
12. Turn Yard into Fairytale Haven with Stones and Wooden Steps

Photo: Credit
Possibly the freshest of all choices, this darling little garden is all set with stones and wooden steps.
The variety of plants is so abundant in shapes and heights that it would please even the people truly devoted to a fairytale vibe when it comes to gardens.
The power of the stones is spectacular.
13. Embrace Minimalism with Your Stone Pathway Decoration

Photo: Credit
Once we take a look here, we might feel as if a painter has placed the stones inside a water canvass full of green paint.
Such an adorable, simple and wise design, that is outstanding exactly because it hasn’t been formed in any typical or expected shape we know.
14. Create a Lush Pathway with Stepping Stones and Grass

Photo: Credit
Our penultimate choice is incredibly clean and beautiful – the stones are once again large enough to form a pathway, but the surrounding environment has received minimum touches to look any-sort-of-way.
The plants naturally progress in height when we move to the fence.
15. Add Glamour to Your Stone Garden Pathway with a Fountain

Photo: Credit
This breath-taking garden might just be our last and most perfect place to relax, read a book or meditate. It is a story on its own.
The trees are gracefully spreading their green branches over this oasis, where blue and purple flowers grow. It combines the perfect traditional fountain with the fresh green grass and right-angled shapes.
This garden quickly grows on us with its decoration, especially when we see how inviting the bench.
Wouldn’t it be blessing to spend a free afternoon in one of these gardens? How did you like them?
I hope you enjoyed our garden designs and almost feel like you are in one right now!